值得产品人认真对待的 7 条英文摘录





We succeed by making others successful.

这就是为什么你解决了用户的问题,问题也就会反过来解决你的问题——盈利。这个观点来自《We are Product Managers》。


For years, my product manager friends and I would obsess about salary, our next promotion, the next company we’d join to get a bump up. Then we all made head of product somewhere and realized it wasn’t anything so special — certainly not worth all the time and anguish. What was special was looking around at our colleagues and realizing we loved working with them, that we were having fun, that we were building cool things that were getting used. We realized we didn’t have to only go after what was sexy. We could make what we were doing sexy, and that was a much more interesting challenge.

对年轻产品经理而言,重要的是什么?不是钱,也不是牛光闪闪的称谓,而是你能从各种挑战中学到什么。「我们并不需要追赶那些风口上的明星们。我们也可以让自己做的事情牛光闪闪,而那才是更有意思的挑战。」这个观点来自 《Harnessing Happiness to Build Your Career — Advice from an Uber Product Leader》


The paradox of empathy is that while it drives us at a very deep level, and ultimately leads us to big, important insights, it usually starts small. The empathic process usually notices simple things like ineffective error messages, observed user workarounds, or overly complicated dialog boxes. Empathy starts with very modest steps. However, these small observations are the wedge that splits the log, it’s these initial insights, if you follow them far enough, opens up your mind and leads you to great products.

「同理心」是最被推崇的一种能力,但究竟怎么理解同理心呢?你既要看得够大够远,又要看得够细。这个观点来自《The Paradox of Empathy》。


The role I would argue that the product manager is most similar to is the role of the CEO. But with the obvious difference that unlike the CEO, nobody reports to the product manager.

这句话让人莫名的激动,但也莫名的感慨哈哈。产品经理的知识面可以和 CEO 相当,一点儿都不假。可悲的是,产品经理只是戴着「经理」帽子的,被过度美化的角色。这个观点来自《Behind Every Great Product》。


Google didn't actually kill the newspaper advertising market. Google replaced it with an entirely different market. It's the same money, but Google isn't in the same market as the newspapers. It instead created its own market and brands decided that was a better place to be. Google isn't winning because it's big or that it has so much more scale. It's winning because it created a way for people to have high-intent moments , which brands can reach with their ads. If the media industry wants to get some of this money back, you first need to design high-intent moments for your readers and advertisers . That's the only way to compete with Google.

传统媒体:内容与广告没有关联性;Google:搜索结果与广告有强关联性。那么,究竟是什么抢走了传统媒体的钱?是 Google,但 Google 不是以媒体的角色来抢走了,而是创造了一个新的市场,并主导了这个市场。说到底,相关性才是那张王牌。这个观点来自《What Killed The Newspapers? Google Or Facebook? Or...?》。


A lot of companies don’t make it because in the process of trying to get many things right, they don’t get anything right.

最重要的事情永远只有一件。观点来自《Get One Thing Right》。


Mobile website is not a “lite” version. Visitors expect the same, full experience and high-quality content on every device they use.

不要把移动网站看成一个简版网站而已,因为,你的用户并不关心桌面端网站是否更齐全,而是,当他们要获得信息或服务的时候,马上就要获得,才不管你是桌面端还是移动端网址呢。这个观点来自《7 Proven Ways to Improve Mobile Web Design》。

题图选自 Unsplash.com,photo by Alex Blăjan。

「Dominic Huang,又一枚产品经理,开始喜欢码字,养着一个公众号 BuildForever,每天推荐一篇产品 / 设计 / 用户体验领域的高质量英文文章。」


关键字:产品经理, the


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