{{ column.text }}                             0 ? 'asc' : 'dsc'">                            {{entry[column.key]}}            Total {{source.length}} Records, Now {{ length }} Records, {{pages}} Pages                    {{ n }}        'use strict';        Vue.component('app', {            props: {                source: {                    type: Array                },                columns: {                    type: Array                },                // count per page                size: {                    type: Number                },                paginatorSize: {                    type: Number,                    default: 10                }            },            data () {                var sortOrders = {}                this.columns.forEach(function (column) {                    if (column.key)                        sortOrders[column.key] = 1                })                return {                    left: 0,        // header row offset position.                    edge: 0,        // offset of scrollbar width.                    sortKey: '',    // column name of sort                    sortOrders: sortOrders,                    currentPage: 1,                    searchQuery: null,                }            },            template: '# app',            ready () {                var clientWidth = document.querySelector('.u-body').clientWidth                var offsetWidth = document.querySelector('.u-body').offsetWidth                this.edge = offsetWidth - clientWidth;            },            methods: {                onHorizontalScroll (e) {                    this.left = document.querySelector('.u-body').scrollLeft                },                sortBy (e, key) {                    this.sortKey = key                    this.sortOrders[key] = this.sortOrders[key] * -1                },                paginate (page) {                    if (page  this.pages) page = this.pages                    this.currentPage = page                },                /                  * jump to first page of N scope                 * @param  {String} dir [value is 'next' or 'prev', next or prev scope]                 */                jump (dir) {                    dir = dir || 'next';                    var first = this.scope[0]                    var last = this.scope.slice(-1)[0]                    var page = this.currentPage // default                    switch (dir) {                        case 'next':                            page = (first + this.paginatorSize) > this.pages ? last : (first + this.paginatorSize)                            break;                        case 'prev':                            page = (first - this.paginatorSize)  this.paginatorSize * n) {                        n++                    }                    var startPage = this.paginatorSize * (n - 1) + 1                    var endPage = this.paginatorSize * n > this.pages ? this.pages : this.paginatorSize * n                    var arr = []                    for (var i = startPage; i  pages) {                        this.currentPage = 1                    }                    return pages                }            }        })        new Vue({            el: 'body',        })                .u-table-container {          overflow: hidden;          zoom: 1;        }        .u-tr {          display: flex;          flex-direction: row;          .u-td:first-child, .u-th:first-child {            border-left: none;          }        }        .u-th {          font-weight: 700;        }        .u-th,        .u-td {          min-width: 120px;          padding: 8px;          border-left: 1px solid # ddd;          border-bottom: 1px solid # ddd;          word-wrap: break-word;        }        .u-table {          border: 1px solid darken(# ddd, 10%);        }        .u-head {          .u-th {            border-bottom-color: darken(# ddd, 20%);            cursor: pointer;            display: flex;            align-items: center;            justify-content: space-between;            &:hover {              color: # 636363;            }            &.scrollbar {              flex: none;              border-left: none;              padding: 0;              border-bottom: 1px solid darken(# ddd, 10%);            }          }        }        .u-body {          overflow: auto;          // overflow-y: scroll;          max-height: 75vh;          .u-tr {            &:hover {              background: lighten(# f3f3f3, 2%);            }          }        }        .arrow {          display: inline-block;          vertical-align: middle;          width: 0;          height: 0;          margin-left: 5px;          opacity: 0.66;        }        .arrow.asc {          border-left: 4px solid transparent;          border-right: 4px solid transparent;          border-bottom: 4px solid # 333;        }        .arrow.dsc {          border-left: 4px solid transparent;          border-right: 4px solid transparent;          border-top: 4px solid # 333;        }        .information {          text-align: right;          color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .57);          font-size: .9em;          padding-right: 5px;        }        .text-center {          text-align: center;        }        .u-search-form {          text-align: right;          position: relative;          .u-search {            border-radius: 15px;            border: 1px solid # ccc;            margin-bottom: 5px;            min-width: 180px;            padding: 5px 20px;          }          .ion-ios-search {            position: absolute;            right: 10px;            top: 5px;            font-size: 1.2em;          }        }        ul.pagination {          display: inline-block;          padding: 0;          margin: 15px 0 0 0;        }        ul.pagination li {display: inline;}        ul.pagination li a {          color: # 999;          float: left;          padding: 8px 16px;          text-decoration: none;          border-top: 1px solid # ddd;          border-bottom: 1px solid # ddd;          border-right: 1px solid # ddd;          &:first-child {            border-left: 1px solid # ddd;          }        }        ul.pagination li a.active {            background-color: # 4CAF50;            color: white;        }        ul.pagination li a:hover:not(.active) {background-color: # ddd;}

关键字:vue.js, records, length, pages


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