先来看一下问题, 我们通过 ifconfig 查看接口的名称 为 p15p1, 一般机器为 eth0
➜ ~ cat /proc/interrupts | head -n 1 && cat /proc/interrupts |grep p15p1 CPU0 CPU1 CPU2 CPU3 CPU4 CPU5 CPU6 CPU7 130: 6235174 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PCI-MSI 3145728-edge p15p1
我们看到全部的网卡中断都集中到了 CPU0, 因此在有巨大网络流量的时候CPU0可能过载, 让网卡的数据包收发出现延迟. 为了分散CPU处理网卡中断, 我们需要设把网卡绑定到特定的CPU核心. (我的服务器因为只有一个网卡, 一般2U的机架服务器都有4个网卡, 绑定到不同的CPU核心.)
中断亲和性设置是通过掩码来标记的, 假设我们有一个8核心的CPU, 那么掩码为 11111111, 从左到右分别为 CPU0..CPU7, 位置关系如下:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- - - - - - - - 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
# !/bin/bash# # Copyright (c) 2014, Intel Corporation# # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:# # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.# * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software# without specific prior written permission.# # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"# AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE# IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE# DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE# FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR# SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER# CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,# OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.# # Affinitize interrupts to cores# # typical usage is (as root):# set_irq_affinity -x local eth1 # # to get help:# set_irq_affinityusage(){ echo echo "Usage: $0 [-x|-X] {all|local|remote|one|custom} [ethX] " echo " options: -x Configure XPS as well as smp_affinity" echo " options: -X Disable XPS but set smp_affinity" echo " options: {remote|one} can be followed by a specific node number" echo " Ex: $0 local eth0" echo " Ex: $0 remote 1 eth0" echo " Ex: $0 custom eth0 eth1" echo " Ex: $0 0-7,16-23 eth0" echo exit 1}usageX(){ echo "options -x and -X cannot both be specified, pick one" exit 1}if [ "$1" == "-x" ]; then XPS_ENA=1 shiftfiif [ "$1" == "-X" ]; then if [ -n "$XPS_ENA" ]; then usageX fi XPS_DIS=2 shiftfiif [ "$1" == -x ]; then usageXfiif [ -n "$XPS_ENA" ] && [ -n "$XPS_DIS" ]; then usageXfiif [ -z "$XPS_ENA" ]; then XPS_ENA=$XPS_DISfinum='^[0-9]+$'# VarsAFF=$1shiftcase "$AFF" in remote) [[ $1 =~ $num ]] && rnode=$1 && shift ;; one) [[ $1 =~ $num ]] && cnt=$1 && shift ;; all) ;; local) ;; custom) ;; [0-9]*) ;; -h|--help) usage ;; "") usage ;; *) IFACES=$AFF && AFF=all ;; # Backwards compat modeesac# append the interfaces listed to the string with spaceswhile [ "$# " -ne "0" ] ; do IFACES+=" $1" shiftdone# for now the user must specify interfacesif [ -z "$IFACES" ]; then usage exit 1fi# support functionsset_affinity(){ VEC=$core if [ $VEC -ge 32 ] then MASK_FILL="" MASK_ZERO="00000000" let "IDX = $VEC / 32" for ((i=1; i /proc/irq/$IRQ/smp_affinity printf "%s %d %s -> /proc/irq/$IRQ/smp_affinity\n" $IFACE $core $MASK case "$XPS_ENA" in 1) printf "%s %d %s -> /sys/class/net/%s/queues/tx-%d/xps_cpus\n" $IFACE $core $MASK $IFACE $((n-1)) printf "%s" $MASK > /sys/class/net/$IFACE/queues/tx-$((n-1))/xps_cpus ;; 2) MASK=0 printf "%s %d %s -> /sys/class/net/%s/queues/tx-%d/xps_cpus\n" $IFACE $core $MASK $IFACE $((n-1)) printf "%s" $MASK > /sys/class/net/$IFACE/queues/tx-$((n-1))/xps_cpus ;; *) esac}# Allow usage of , or -# parse_range () { RANGE=${@//,/ } RANGE=${RANGE//-/..} LIST="" for r in $RANGE; do # eval lets us use vars in {# ..# } range [[ $r =~ '..' ]] && r="$(eval echo {$r})" LIST+=" $r" done echo $LIST}# Affinitize interrupts# setaff(){ CORES=$(parse_range $CORES) ncores=$(echo $CORES | wc -w) n=1 # this script only supports interrupt vectors in pairs, # modification would be required to support a single Tx or Rx queue # per interrupt vector queues="${IFACE}-.*TxRx" irqs=$(grep "$queues" /proc/interrupts | cut -f1 -d:) [ -z "$irqs" ] && irqs=$(grep $IFACE /proc/interrupts | cut -f1 -d:) [ -z "$irqs" ] && irqs=$(for i in `ls -Ux /sys/class/net/$IFACE/device/msi_irqs` ;\ do grep "$i:.*TxRx" /proc/interrupts | grep -v fdir | cut -f 1 -d : ;\ done) [ -z "$irqs" ] && echo "Error: Could not find interrupts for $IFACE" echo "IFACE CORE MASK -> FILE" echo "=======================" for IRQ in $irqs; do [ "$n" -gt "$ncores" ] && n=1 j=1 # much faster than calling cut for each for i in $CORES; do [ $((j++)) -ge $n ] && break done core=$i set_affinity ((n++)) done}# now the actual useful bits of code# these next 2 lines would allow script to auto-determine interfaces# [ -z "$IFACES" ] && IFACES=$(ls /sys/class/net)# [ -z "$IFACES" ] && echo "Error: No interfaces up" && exit 1# echo IFACES is $IFACESCORES=$(https://gist.github.com/SaveT...把一个网卡绑定到特定的CPU核心.
root@ubuntu:~# ./set_irq_affinity.sh one 6 p15p1
p15p1 6 40 -> /proc/irq/130/smp_affinity
WARNING: irqbalance is running and will
likely override this script's affinitization.
Please stop the irqbalance service and/or execute
'killall irqbalance'
p15p1 6 40 -> /proc/irq/130/smp_affinity
系统默认有中断负载均衡的进程, 如果是手工绑定, 需要停止它
killall irqbalance
➜ ~ cat /proc/interrupts | head -n 1 && cat /proc/interrupts |grep p15p1
在一个终端中监控, 在另一个终端中设置
watch -n 1 cat /proc/interrupts | head -n 1 && cat /proc/interrupts |grep p15p1
./set_irq_affinity.sh one 1 p15p1
./set_irq_affinity.sh one 2 p15p1
./set_irq_affinity.sh one 3 p15p1
可以看到中断数的增长,从CPU1到CPU2,再到CPU3(注意CPU编号从0开始的, 8核的CPU编号是0-7)#linux、network#
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