


StarGAN: Unified Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation[paper]

Surface NetWorks[paper]

Feature Space Transfer for Data Augmentation[paper]


The problem of data augmentation in feature space is considered. A new architecture, denoted the FeATure TransfEr Network (FATTEN), is proposed for the modeling of feature trajectories induced by variations of object pose. This architecture exploits a parametrization of the pose manifold in terms of pose and appearance. This leads to a deep encoder/decoder network architecture, where the encoder factors into an appearance and a pose predictor. Unlike previous attempts at trajectory transfer, FATTEN can be efficiently trained end-to-end, with no need to train separate feature transfer functions. This is realized by supplying the decoder with information about a target pose and the use of a multi-task loss that penalizes category- and pose-mismatches. In result, FATTEN discourages discontinuous or non-smooth trajectories that fail to capture the structure of the pose manifold, and generalizes well on object recognition tasks involving large pose variation. Experimental results on the artificial ModelNet database show that it can successfully learn to map source features to target features of a desired pose, while preserving class identity. Most notably, by using feature space transfer for data augmentation (w.r.t. pose and depth) on SUN-RGBD objects, we demonstrate considerable performance improvements on one/few-shot object recognition in a transfer learning setup, compared to current state-of-the-art methods.

FLIPDIAL: A Generative Model for Two-Way Visual Dialogue[paper]


We present FLIPDIAL, a generative model for Visual Dialogue that simultaneously plays the role of both participants in a visually-grounded dialogue. Given context in the form of an image and an associated caption summarising the contents of the image, FLIPDIAL learns both to answer questions and put forward questions, capable of generating entire sequences of dialogue (question-answer pairs) which are diverse and relevant to the image. To do this, FLIPDIAL relies on a simple but surprisingly powerful idea: it uses convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to encode entire dialogues directly, implicitly capturing dialogue context, and conditional VAEs to learn the generative model. FLIPDIAL outperforms the state-of-the-art model in the sequential answering task (1VD) on the VisDial dataset by 5 points in Mean Rank using the generated answers. We are the first to extend this paradigm to full two-way visual dialogue (2VD), where our model is capable of generating both questions and answers in sequence based on a visual input, for which we propose a set of novel evaluation measures and metrics.

MapNet: An Allocentric Spatial Memory for Mapping Environments[paper]

Revisiting Deep Intrinsic Image Decompositions[paper]



While invaluable for many computer vision applications, decomposing a natural image into intrinsic reflectance and shading layers represents a challenging, underdetermined inverse problem. As opposed to strict reliance on conventional optimization or filtering solutions with strong prior assumptions, deep learning based approaches have also been proposed to compute intrinsic image decompositions when granted access to sufficient labeled training data. The downside is that current data sources are quite limited, and broadly speaking fall into one of two categories: either dense fully-labeled images in synthetic/narrow settings, or weakly-labeled data from relatively diverse natural scenes. In contrast to many previous learning-based approaches, which are often tailored to the structure of a particular dataset (and may not work well on others), we adopt core network structures that universally reflect loose prior knowledge regarding the intrinsic image formation process and can be largely shared across datasets. We then apply flexibly supervised loss layers that are customized for each source of ground truth labels. The resulting deep architecture achieves state-of-the-art results on all of the major intrinsic image benchmarks, and runs considerably faster than most at test time.

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