Mac 配置代码高亮 Git状态显示
Mac 一个为开发者量身定做的笔记本,相信你已经装好了iTerm2了,打开你的iTerm2开始我们的配置。文章来源于个人博客 YANGXIANGMING。分享给大家希望能帮助大家配置一个好的开发环境,好的开发环境才有好的心情Code。
首先进入到Home到目录一般默认打开的都是Home,如果不是输入 cd ~ 回车即可,编辑Home目录下的 .bash_profile 编辑 vim .bash_profile 配置代码如下:
# Git branch statusfunction git_status { local unknown untracked stash clean ahead behind staged dirty diverged unknown='0;34' # blue untracked='0;32' # green stash='0;32' # green clean='0;32' # green ahead='0;33' # yellow behind='0;33' # yellow staged='0;96' # cyan dirty='0;31' # red diverged='0;31' # red if [[ $TERM = *256color ]]; then unknown='38;5;20' # dark blue untracked='38;5;76' # mid lime-green stash='38;5;76' # mid lime-green clean='38;5;82' # brighter green ahead='38;5;226' # bright yellow behind='38;5;142' # darker yellow-orange staged='38;5;214' # orangey yellow dirty='38;5;202' # orange diverged='38;5;196' # red fi branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null) if [[ -n "$branch" ]]; then if [[ "$branch" == 'HEAD' ]]; then branch=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null) fi git_status=$(git status 2> /dev/null) # If nothing changes the color, we can spot unhandled cases. color=$unknown if [[ $git_status =~ 'Untracked files' ]]; then color=$untracked branch="${branch}+" fi if git stash show &>/dev/null; then color=$stash branch="${branch}*" fi if [[ $git_status =~ 'working directory clean' ]]; then color=$clean fi if [[ $git_status =~ 'Your branch is ahead' ]]; then color=$ahead branch="${branch}" fi if [[ $git_status =~ 'Your branch is behind' ]]; then color=$behind branch="${branch}" fi if [[ $git_status =~ 'Changes to be committed' ]]; then color=$staged fi if [[ $git_status =~ 'Changed but not updated' || $git_status =~ 'Changes not staged' || $git_status =~ 'Unmerged paths' ]]; then color=$dirty fi if [[ $git_status =~ 'Your branch'.+diverged ]]; then color=$diverged branch="${branch}!" fi printf "\033[%sm%s\033[0m" "$color" "($branch)" fi return 0}# bles colorin the terminal bash shell exportexport CLICOLOR=1# sets up thecolor scheme for list exportexport LSCOLORS=gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad# sets up theprompt color (currently a green similar to linux terminal)export PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;36m\]\w\[\033[01;31m\]$(git_status)\[\033[0m\]\$ '# enables colorfor iTermexport TERM=xterm-256color
复制粘贴退出保存,然后执行一下 source .bash_profile 回车即可。然后我们在来开启代码高亮开关,编辑 vim .vimrc 开启配置项
# 代码高亮开启syntax on# 文件内容行号set nu
echo "[ -r ~/.bashrc ] && source ~/.bashrc" >> .bash_profile
关键字:git, vim, macos
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