

Whilst Facebook and Twitter are the main social media used by businesses to reach out to the general public, if you want to reach out to other businesses, especially if you are a B2B company, then LinkedIn should be as equally important to your social media marketing strategy. In this article, we’ll explain why LinkedIn is important for businesses and how you can use it to help you get discovered.

尽管Facebook和Twitter是企业与公众接触的主要社交媒体,但如果您想与其他企业接触,特别是如果您是B2B公司,那么LinkedIn对您的社交媒体营销同样重要战略。 在本文中,我们将解释为什么LinkedIn对企业很重要,以及如何使用它来帮助您发现自己。

为什么链接对企业有用 (Why Linked is useful for business)

LinkedIn is the platform for business people. Since the beginning of 2009, it has grown from 37 million users to 433million in March 2016 with an average quarterly growth rate of 15 million users. That’s almost half a billion professional members.

LinkedIn是商务人士平台。 自2009年初以来,它已从3700万用户增长到2016年3月的4.33亿,平均季度增长率为1500万用户。 差不多有十亿专业会员。

And although we call LinkedIn social media, it’s not used in the same way that that Twitter or Facebook are. There’s little in the way of trivia, instead, it’s generally used as a way for businesses and professionals to make new connections; discover new products and services; recruit employees, freelancers and contractors; and to share their own content. If you want other businesses to discover you, it’s by far the best platform to use.

而且,尽管我们将LinkedIn社交媒体称为“社交媒体”,但使用方式与Twitter或Facebook不同。 相反,琐事很少,它通常被用作企业和专业人士建立新关系的一种方式。 发现新产品和服务; 招聘员工,自由职业者和承包商; 并分享自己的内容。 如果您希望其他企业发现您,那么它是迄今为止最好的平台。

如何建立领英帐户 (How to set up a LinkedIn account)

Before you can create a LinkedIn company page, there are certain requirements you need to fulfil, these are:


  • You have to have your own personal LinkedIn profile.

  • You have to be a current employee of your company and your position must be listed in the Experience section on your personal profile.

  • You need to have a company email address (e.g., [email protected]) and this must be added and confirmed on your LinkedIn account. Please note that the company’s email domain has to be unique to the company – so you cannot use addresses such as or

    您需要拥有公司的电子邮件地址(例如[受电子邮件保护] ),并且必须在您的LinkedIn帐户上添加并确认该电子邮件地址。 请注意,公司的电子邮件域必须是公司唯一的-因此您不能使用@ gmail.com或@ outlook.com之类的地址。

  • You must have completed your LinkedIn personal profile in enough detail to have a profile strength of at least intermediate.

  • Your personal profile should also indicate that you have several connections.


Once you have these in place, you can begin to create your business page. To do this, just follow the instructions in the video below:

设置好这些位置之后,就可以开始创建业务页面了。 为此,只需按照以下视频中的说明进行操作:

为您的LinkedIn页面创建内容 (Creating content for your LinkedIn page)

One of the things you should use LinkedIn for is to share content. The aim is to create a range of content types (e.g., blog posts, infographics, slideshows and videos) that LinkedIn users will find useful, informative and which they will want to share with others.

您应该使用LinkedIn的目的之一就是共享内容。 目的是创建一系列内容类型(例如,博客文章,信息图表,幻灯片和视频),LinkedIn用户将发现它们有用,信息丰富并且希望与他人共享。

By creating this type of content, aimed specifically at the people you want to reach, you will engage a wider audience and thus expand your business’s global influence.


One of the ways to grow your influence quickly on LinkedIn is to post new content frequently.  What you do publish should be relevant to your audience and offer something which is both authentic and unique. Try to avoid over promoting your products and services in these posts as blatant self-promotion can look very much like spam and this can cause some people to stop following you.

快速增加对LinkedIn的影响力的方法之一就是经常发布新内容。 您所做的发布应与您的受众相关,并提供真实而独特的内容。 尽量避免在这些帖子中过度宣传您的产品和服务,因为公然的自我宣传看起来很像垃圾邮件,这可能导致某些人停止关注您。

向世界介绍您的产品和服务 (Introduce your products and services to the world)

Over 50% of businesses that promote themselves on LinkedIn have generated sales through the platform, so it’s vital that you use it to let other companies know about the work you do. A LinkedIn company page is the perfect vehicle to introduce your products and services to potential clients and for you to explain how they will help customers meet their business goals and achieve personal targets.

超过50%的在LinkedIn上进行自我推广的企业已经通过该平台实现了销售,因此,至关重要的是,您可以使用该平台让其他公司了解您所做的工作。 LinkedIn公司页面是向潜在客户介绍您的产品和服务并为您解释它们如何帮助客户实现业务目标和实现个人目标的理想工具。

In addition to your company page, LinkedIn has also introduced showcase pages which are designed for highlighting a specific element of your business, be it a brand, a product/service or a new initiative. These pages enable you to focus on the specific audience segment that may be interested in that page, thus letting you create more consistently targeted content to engage that particular audience.

除了公司页面之外,LinkedIn还引入了展示页面,这些页面旨在突出您的业务的特定元素,无论是品牌,产品/服务还是新计划。 这些页面使您可以专注于对该页面可能感兴趣的特定受众群体,从而使您可以创建更具针对性的内容来吸引该特定受众。

产生销售线索 (Generate lead and sales)

Like most other social media, LinkedIn provides you with the ability to link back to your website from your business page, thus enabling your readers to find out more details about your products and services and to help generate leads and conversions.


竞争对手分析 (Competitor analysis)

Creating content is one of the major activities under taken on LinkedIn; in fact, almost 95% of businesses use it as a content channel. For this reason, it makes it the ideal platform to discover what your major competitors are up to. By following your competitors, you’ll be able to see how often they post content, what kind of content they post and how successful it is at being shared. You’ll also be able to discover who follows them, what groups they belong to and what products and services they offer.

创建内容是LinkedIn上正在进行的主要活动之一; 实际上,几乎95%的企业都将其用作内容渠道。 因此,它成为发现主要竞争对手的理想平台。 通过关注竞争对手,您将能够看到他们发布内容的频率,发布内容的种类以及共享的成功程度。 您还将能够发现谁关注他们,他们属于哪些群体以及他们提供什么产品和服务。

In addition, you’ll be able to see the development of new trends and services within your niche from across the spectrum of businesses that are on LinkedIn – this can help you stay ahead of the game and not get left behind.


招聘和猎头 (Recruitment and head-hunting)

Whilst LinkedIn can be used directly as a recruiting tool – you can post jobs and potential employees can apply or send CVs; it’s also an excellent place for head hunting. The majority of people on LinkedIn post their past and present work experience and this allows you to find people who are working for competitors in the positions you are looking to recruit. Of course, you may not wish to do this directly and, instead, you may use a recruitment company to do the initial approach. However, it will give you a clearer understanding of the skills and experience that individuals in other companies have.

尽管LinkedIn可以直接用作招聘工具,但您可以发布职位,潜在员工可以申请或发送简历; 这也是猎头的好地方。 领英上的大多数人都发布了他们的过去和现在的工作经验,这使您可以找到正在寻找招聘职位的竞争对手的人。 当然,您可能不希望直接执行此操作,而是可以使用招聘公司来执行初始方法。 但是,它将使您更清楚地了解其他公司的个人所具有的技能和经验。

LinkedIn页面可以改善您网站的SEO (LinkedIn pages can improve your website’s SEO)

LinkedIn is highly ranked by search engines and has a Moz domain authority of 100 – the highest you can get. This means that links from LinkedIn to your website are going to have real value in helping your website rank on Google and other search engines. If you have links to your own site on your business page and embed them in the content of your posts and status updates, you will likely see an increase in your visitor traffic as a result.

LinkedIn在搜索引擎中排名很高,并具有100的Moz域名授权–您可以获得的最高域名。 这意味着从LinkedIn到您的网站的链接对于帮助您的网站在Google和其他搜索引擎上的排名将具有真正的价值。 如果您在业务页面上拥有指向自己网站的链接,并将其嵌入到帖子和状态更新的内容中,则访问者访问量可能因此而增加。

You will also see, after a while, that your LinkedIn company page and posts also begin to rank highly in search engine results, so that people outside of LinkedIn can also access them. This can also lead to higher visitor numbers as these people click through from the posts to your website.

一段时间后,您还将看到您的LinkedIn公司页面和帖子也开始在搜索引擎结果中排名很高,以便LinkedIn之外的人也可以访问它们。 当这些人从帖子中点击进入您的网站时,这还会导致更高的访问者人数。

As you will have seen from the video above, LinkedIn provides analytics for your company page and this can give you a detailed insight into how your LinkedIn strategy is performing. The analytics enables you to analyse individual posts engagement, identify trends, understand follower demographics and sources, and gain an overview of your page traffic and viewer activity.

从上面的视频中可以看到,LinkedIn为您的公司页面提供了分析,这可以使您详细了解LinkedIn策略的执行情况。 通过该分析,您可以分析各个帖子的参与度,确定趋势,了解关注者的人口统计和来源以及获得有关页面访问量和查看者活动的概述。

结论 (Conclusion)

From reading this article you should now have a clearer understanding of how to


  • to set up a business page

  • benefit from creating different types of content

  • promote products and services with a showcase page

  • use LinkedIn to generate leads and sales

  • use LinkedIn for competitor analysis

  • recruit and head-hunt using LinkedIn

  • improve SEO through your LinkedIn page and content


You may also be interested in our posts about Setting up a Facebook Business Page and Getting started on Twitter.


If you are considering launching your own online business and are looking for a web host, take a look at our easy to use site builder. Alternatively, check out our business hosting packages.

如果您正在考虑启动自己的在线业务并正在寻找网络托管服务商,请查看我们易于使用的网站构建器 。 另外,请查看我们的业务托管软件包





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