wordpress 博客_如何通过WordPress博客获利

wordpress 博客

There are a small number of people who have made a fortune from setting up a blog and there are many more who dream of following suit. Unfortunately, to join the select group of high earners takes an awful lot of hard work, requires having connections with other online influencers and needs a certain amount of good luck. However, if you are just looking for ways to use a blog to develop a new stream of income, then this post will explain three easy ways that you can monetize your blog and start earning quickly.

少数人通过建立博客发了大财,还有更多人梦想效仿。 不幸的是,要加入精选的高收入人群,需要进行大量艰苦的工作,需要与其他在线有影响力的人建立联系,并且需要一定的好运。 但是,如果您只是在寻找使用博客来发展新收入来源的方法,那么本文将说明三种简单的方法,您可以通过它们利用博客获利并快速开始赚钱。

在您的博客上放置“按点击数付费”广告 (Put Pay Per Click adverts on your blog)

One of the most common ways that bloggers make money is from showing adverts on their posts and in their sidebars. The most popular way they do this is from joining Google Adsense – in fact over two million websites currently show Google ads as a way of earning money.

博主赚钱的最常见方式之一是在其帖子和侧边栏中显示广告。 他们这样做的最流行方式是加入Google Adsense –实际上,目前有超过200万个网站以赚钱的方式展示Google广告。

Google Adsense is free to join, though you will need to have a Google account and register for Adsense itself. It works by providing you with a small section of code which you can cut and paste into a post or a sidebar text widget. Once you have done this and clicked save, the ads will begin to appear on your website.

Google Adsense是免费加入的,尽管您需要拥有Google帐户并注册Adsense本身。 它为您提供了一小段代码,您可以将其剪切并粘贴到帖子或侧边栏文本小部件中。 完成此操作并单击“保存”后,广告将开始出现在您的网站上。

How to Monetize your WordPress Blog

To earn money from Google Adsense you need your visitors to click on the adverts. The amount of money you will earn depends on how competitive the market is for the products being advertised. The more an advertiser has to bid for an ad, the more you are likely to get paid for each click.

要从Google Adsense赚钱,您需要访问者点击广告。 您将获得的金额取决于所宣传产品的市场竞争力。 广告客户对广告的出价越高,则每次点击您获得的收入就越高。

The amount per click is really out of your hands – the main reason for this is that Google will have used cookies to track the users’ recent browsing sessions and will show them products which they think they will be interested in.


How much you will earn depends on the value of each ad and the number of people who click on them. This itself, is dependent on how many visitors you have. As your blog grows and you hopefully begin to see increases in traffic, the chances are that your Adsense income will increase too.

您将获得多少收入取决于每个广告的价值以及点击广告的人数。 这本身取决于您有多少访客。 随着博客的增长,希望您开始看到流量的增加,您的Adsense收入也有可能增加。

Another advertising solution is Infolinks which looks at the text on your website and converts some of the words into text links that link to products your current visitor might be interested in. Different vistors will be presented with different links depending on their previous browsing choices. Infolinks may also show banner ads on your site just like Adsense. Again, to make money, you just need your visitors to click on the ads.

另一个广告解决方案是Infolinks ,它查看您网站上的文本并将某些单词转换为文本链接,这些文本链接可链接到您当前访问者可能感兴趣的产品。根据不同的访问者先前的浏览选择,他们将获得不同的链接。 信息链接也可能像Adsense一样在您的网站上显示横幅广告。 同样,要赚钱,您只需要访问者点击广告即可。

One word of warning – whatever you do, do not click on the adverts yourself or get your friends to click on them for you. These companies, Google in particular, log the IP addresses of each click, and if they find that you have been clicking on your own ads in order to try and make money, they will consider it as fraud and disable your account. You will not get paid and you will not be allowed to open a new account with them.

一句话警告–无论您做什么,都不要点击广告自己,也不要让您的朋友为您点击广告。 这些公司(尤其是Google)记录了每次点击的IP地址,如果他们发现您一直在点击自己的广告以试图赚钱,则将其视为欺诈并禁用了您的帐户。 您将不会获得报酬,也不会被允许在他们那里开设新帐户。

成为会员 (Become an affiliate)

One of the most lucrative monetising methods used by bloggers is using affiliate links. Many companies have affiliate programs and when you become an affiliate you can put special links and adverts on your site that take customers to that company’s website. If your visitor buys from that website, you earn a commission.

博主使用的最赚钱的获利方法之一是使用会员链接。 许多公司都有会员计划,当您成为会员时,您可以在网站上放置特殊的链接和广告,将客户带到该公司的网站。 如果您的访客从该网站购买,您将获得佣金。

Unlike Adsense or Infolinks, you do not get paid for a click, only if the visitor buys, however, depending on the products you are promoting and the commission rate, this can be considerable. Generally speaking, physical products give a commission rate around the 5% mark, so if your visitor goes on to buy a product worth £100, you’ll get £5 just for sending them there. With non-physical, downloadable products, such as software, the commission can be nearer the 50% level. So if your visitor buys £50 premium WordPress theme, you could earn £25 a sale.  With subscription products, where the visitor buys something they pay monthly for, you can find yourself earning up to 200% commission – i.e., the equivalent of two months subscription. So if your visitor buys an annual subscription to a digital marketing solution at £100 per month, you could be looking at up to £200 per sale.

与Adsense或Infolinks不同,仅当访问者购买时,您才可以为点击付费,但是,这取决于您促销的产品和佣金率,这可能是相当大的。 一般而言,实物产品的佣金率约为5%,因此,如果您的访客继续购买价值100英镑的产品,则只需将其发送到那里就可以获得5英镑的佣金。 使用非物理的可下载产品(例如软件),佣金可能接近50%。 因此,如果您的访客购买了£50溢价的WordPress主题,则可以赚取£25的销售收入。 使用订阅产品,访问者每月购买他们所支付的商品,您会发现自己获得高达200%的佣金–即相当于两个月的订阅。 因此,如果您的访问者以每月100英镑的价格购买数字营销解决方案的年度订阅,则每次销售的费用最高为200英镑。

One of the main benefits of affiliate links over Adsense and Infolinks is that you can choose to promote products that link to the theme of your blog. So, if you blog about health and fitness, you can promote the products of companies in your niche, knowing that your visitors will be interested in them. You also have greater control over the quality of products you promote – so that you ensure you are giving your customers a better service.

会员链接优于Adsense和Infolinks的主要好处之一是,您可以选择推广链接到博客主题的产品。 因此,如果您撰写有关健康和健身的博客,则可以知道您的访问者会对它们感兴趣,从而可以在您的利基市场推广公司的产品。 您还可以更好地控制所推广产品的质量-确保您能够为客户提供更好的服务。

Many bloggers use affiliate programs as a way of helping them generate content. If you are a health and fitness blogger you can write reviews of some of the best products available for your readers and then add a link to the company’s website where they can buy it. Your readers can then see that your reviews are a useful addition to your blog’s content.

许多博客使用联盟计划作为帮助他们生成内容的一种方式。 如果您是健康和健身博客作者,则可以为读者提供一些最佳产品的评论,然后添加指向公司网站的链接,供他们购买。 然后,读者可以看到您的评论是博客内容的有用补充。

Unlike Adsense or Infolinks, affiliate links can also be included in your emails and newsletters, so if you find a product worth sharing you are not just restricted to putting it on your website – you can let your subscribers go straight there from their email client.


The most popular affiliate program on the planet, with over 900,000 affiliates, is Amazon Associates. Amazon Associates lets you link to any individual item, page or search result on its platform and commission levels increase the more you sell. Most products start at 4%, but others are as high as 10%. Amazon has separate affiliate programs for each of its sites – so you may have to sign up to several if you want to promote products to readers in different countries.

拥有90万会员的地球上最受欢迎的会员计划是Amazon Associates 。 Amazon Associates允许您链接到其平台上的任何单个项目,页面或搜索结果,佣金水平增加了您的销售量。 大多数产品的起价为4%,而其他产品的起价则高达10%。 亚马逊为其每个站点都有单独的会员计划–因此,如果您想向不同国家的读者推广产品,则可能需要注册多个会员计划。

How to Monetize your WordPress Blog

You can find affiliate programs in two ways – either you can go to the company’s website and look for a link for ‘affiliates’ or ‘affiliate program’ – usually found in the footer menu, or you can join an affiliate network such as Webgains, Affiliate Window or Trade Doubler. These companies recruit advertisers and publishers (bloggers) with the aim of promoting relationships between the two. There are thousands of companies who you can search through to find the best ones for the type of blog you have.

您可以通过两种方式找到会员计划-您可以访问公司的网站并查找“会员”或“会员计划”的链接(通常在页脚菜单中找到),也可以加入会员网络(例如Webgains , 会员窗口或贸易倍增器 。 这些公司招募广告商和发行商(博客),目的是促进两者之间的关系。 您可以搜索成千上万家公司,以找到适合您所拥有博客类型的最佳公司。

To become an affiliate you will usually need to make an application. This is so either the company or the affiliate network can judge whether you are an appropriate match. Some companies are very protective of their brand and will not allow their products to be advertised on particular websites. So, if your blog has adult content, for example, it is unlikely that family friendly brands will accept you. Most businesses will require that your site is live and complete and if you are promoting products to people in the USA you will be required to have a disclaimer where you inform your readers that you will be compensated if they buy from clicking on the links you display.

要成为会员,您通常需要提出申请。 这样公司或联属网络都可以判断您是否合适。 一些公司非常保护自己的品牌,并且不允许在特定网站上宣传其产品。 因此,例如,如果您的博客包含成人内容,则家庭友好品牌不太可能接受您。 大多数企业都要求您的网站是真实且完整的,如果您要向美国的人推广产品,则需要提供免责声明,告知读者如果用户点击显示的链接进行购买将获得补偿。 。

出售您的网站空间 (Sell your web space)

As your blog grows and gets more attention, some businesses or their marketing companies will see you as an appropriate place to promote their products and services. One of the ways they will want to do this is to ask you to publish a guest post on your website – for which they will normally offer to pay a fee. The companies usually provide a post that is suited to your audience and relevant to other subject matter you promote, it will also include a link to their website. Alternatively, they may ask you to write the post on their behalf – and offer a bigger fee as a result.

随着您的博客的发展和受到越来越多的关注,某些企业或其营销公司会将您视为推广他们的产品和服务的合适场所。 他们要这样做的一种方式是要求您在您的网站上发布访客帖子-他们通常会为此付费。 这些公司通常会提供适合您的受众并且与您宣传的其他主题相关的帖子,并且还会包含指向其网站的链接。 或者,他们可能会要求您代表他们写帖子-因此会收取更高的费用。

To ensure that you get these kinds of offers, you should always have an ‘Advertise / PR’ page on your WordPress blog. This should detail what advertising and PR services you are willing to offer, the conditions you wish to put in place (e.g. any subject matter you are not willing to publish) and the cost of advertising on your site. This will make you easier to find when marketing companies search for guest post opportunities.

为了确保您获得这些优惠,您应该始终在WordPress博客上有一个“广告/公关”页面。 这应该详细说明您愿意提供的广告和PR服务,您希望达到的条件(例如,您不愿发布的任何主题)以及在您的网站上投放广告的费用。 当营销公司搜索来宾机会时,这将使您更容易找到。

The amount you get paid usually depends on your domain authority and the amount of traffic your website gets. Smaller blogs with reasonable traffic can expect around £30 to £50 per article. You can find your website’s domain authority at Moz’s Open Site Explorer and your traffic statistics from joining Google Analytics.

您获得的报酬通常取决于您的域权限和网站获得的流量。 流量合理的小型博客每篇文章的费用约为30到50英镑。 您可以在Moz的Open Site Explorer中找到您网站的域授权,也可以通过加入Google Analytics(分析)来找到您的流量统计信息。

结论 (Conclusion)

From reading this article you can see that it is relatively easy to use PPC advertising and affiliate marketing to begin monetizing your WordPress website. As your blog grows, you should also make it obvious that you are willing to accept paid guest posts to add an additional income stream.

通过阅读本文,您可以看到使用PPC广告和会员营销相对容易地开始通过WordPress网站获利。 随着博客的增长,您还应该明确表明,您愿意接受付费的来宾帖子,以增加收入。

If you are searching for dedicated WordPress hosting, check out our WordPress Hosting page. Our affordable packages are packed with helpful features and backed up with expert WordPress support and first-class security.

如果您要搜索专用的WordPress托管,请查看我们的WordPress托管页面。 我们负担得起的软件包包含有用的功能,并以WordPress专业支持和一流的安全性为后盾。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-monetize-your-wordpress-blog/

wordpress 博客

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