- 很老的一个demo,应该已经不能正常爬取数据;
- 使用luasocket爬取股票数据保存为json格式,luajit和lua5.1以上版本均能正常工作
- 使用到socket.http和cjson
local cjson = require("cjson.safe")
local http = require("socket.http")http.TIMEOUT = 3 --TIMEOUTlocal exchange local function split(str, delimiter)if str == nil or str=='' or delimiter == nil thenreturn nilendlocal result = {}for match in (str..delimiter):gmatch("(.-)"..delimiter) dotable.insert(result, match)endreturn result
endlocal trade_times = {NASDAQ = {"09:30-16:00"},INDEXDJX = {"09:30-16:00"},INDEXNASDAQ = {"09:30-16:00"},INDEXSP = {"09:30-16:00"},NYSE = {"09:30-16:00"},SH = {"09:30-11:30", "13:00-15:00"},SZ = {"09:30-11:30", "13:00-15:00"},HK = {"09:30-12:00", "13:00-16:00"},
}local trade_closetime =
{SH = {'11:30', '13:00', '15:00'},SZ = {'11:30', '13:00', '15:00'},HK = {'12:00', '13:00', '16:00'},other = '16:00'
}local function builderr(errId, err)return {errId = not errId and 500 or errId, ['error'] = err}
endlocal function getdate_tonghuashun(date, time)if not date or not time then returnendassert(#date == 8)local y,m,d,h,miny = string.sub(date, 1,4)m = string.sub(date, 5,6)d = string.sub(date, 7,8)h = string.sub(time, 1,2)min = string.sub(time, 3,4)return y..'-'..m ..'-' .. d .. 'T'..h ..':'..min .. ':' .. '00' .. '+08:00'
end--suspend not data
local function process_tonghuashun_query( symbol,exchange )local today = os.date("%Y-%m-%d", os.time())local errId, err, responseassert(exchange)assert(symbol)local url_basic,url_minlocal s = string.sub(symbol, 1, 2) if tonumber(s) then --前两位是数字,否则symbolcode = symbolelseif s == 'HK' or s == "SH" or s == 'SZ' then--前两位是SH SZ HKsymbolcode = string.sub(symbol, 3)endlocal lastClose, open, high, low, currrent, volume, amount, percentage, turnoverRate,headlen, name, tag, data, date, data_t, list, chart, updatedatelocal symbolcode = 'QIHU'if exchange == 'SH' or exchange == 'SZ' thenurl_basic = 'http://qd.10jqka.com.cn/quote.php?cate=real&type=stock&return=json&callback=showStockData&code=' .. symbolcodeurl_min = 'http://d.10jqka.com.cn/v2/time/hs_'..symbolcode .. '/last.js' tag = 'hs_'..symbolcodeelseif exchange == 'HK' thenurl_basic = 'http://stockpage.10jqka.com.cn/HK'..symbolcode .. '/quote/quotation/'url_min = 'http://d.10jqka.com.cn/v2/time/hk_HK'..symbolcode .. '/last.js' tag = 'hk_HK'..symbolcodeelseif exchange == 'US' thenurl_basic = 'http://stockpage.10jqka.com.cn/'..symbolcode..'/quote/quotation/'url_min = 'http://d.10jqka.com.cn/v2/time/usa_' .. symbolcode .. '/last.js'tag = 'usa_' .. symbolcodeendlocal body, code = http.request(url_basic)if code ~= 200 thenreturn false, builderr(500, 'request failed')endif exchange == 'SH' and exchange == 'SZ' thenheadlen = #'showStockData('body = string.sub(body, headlen+1, -2 )end-- return false, nillocal t = cjson.decode(body)if t thenif t.info and t.info[symbolcode] and t.info[symbolcode].name then name = t.info[symbolcode].name endif t.data then if t.data[symbolcode] thent = t.data[symbolcode] elseif t.data[exchange..symbolcode] thent = t.data[exchange..symbolcode] endendassert(t)if t['6'] then lastClose = t['6'] endif t['7'] then open = t['7'] endif t['8'] then high = t['8'] endif t['9'] then low = t['9'] endif t['10'] then currrent = t['10'] endif t['13'] and tonumber(t['13']) then volume = t['13'] volume = string.format('%.7fE7', tonumber(volume)/10000000)endif t['19'] and tonumber(t['19'])then amount = t['19'] amount = string.format('%.8fE8', tonumber(amount)/100000000)endif t['2034120'] then peTTM = t['2034120'] endif t['526792'] then percentage = t['526792'] percentage = string.format('%.2f', percentage)endif t['1968584'] and tonumber(turnoverRate) then turnoverRate = t['1968584'] turnoverRate = string.format('%.2f', tonumber(turnoverRate))endendlocal body, code = http.request(url_min)if code ~= 200 thenreturn false, builderr(500, 'request failed')endif exchange == 'SH' and exchange == 'SZ' thenheadlen = #('quotebridge_v2_time_hs_'.. symbolcode ..'_last(')body = string.sub(body, headlen+1, -2 )elseif exchange == 'HK' thenheadlen = #('quotebridge_v2_time_hk_HK'..symbolcode..'_last(')body = string.sub(body, headlen+1, -2 )elseif exchange == 'US' thenheadlen = #('quotebridge_v2_time_usa_'..symbolcode..'_last(')body = string.sub(body, headlen+1, -2 )endt = cjson.decode(body)data = t[tag].dataupdatedate = t[tag].datedata_t = split(data, ';')list = {}for _,v in ipairs(data_t) do--0930,5.59,1715763,5.585,307200--价5.59 均5.58 涨跌0.04 涨幅0.72 量30.72万手 额171.58t = split(v, ',')time = t[1]date = getdate_tonghuashun(updatedate, time)table.insert(list, {date = date, price = t[2], volume = t[5] })endchart = {period = "1minute", list = list}updatedate = list[#list].date--showStockData({"info":{"600027":{"name":"\u534e\u7535\u56fd\u9645"}},"data":{"600027":{"6":"5.55"(昨收),"7":"5.58"(今开),"8":"5.66"(最高),"9":"5.56"(最低),"10":"5.66"(当前),"11":"","12":"1","13":"32932310.00"(成交量),"14":"19092273.00","15":"13794437.00","17":"75300.00","19":"185032700.00"(成交额),"69":"6.11","70":"5.00","526792":"1.802"(振幅),"3475914":"33620718000.000"(336.21),"264648":"0.110","199112":"1.982","1968584":"0.554"(换手),"2034120":"7.256"(市盈率(动)),"1378761":"5.619","1771976":"1.400","461256":"-22.998","395720":"-1321818.000"}}})local result = {symbol = symbol, --证券唯一标识, 全球唯一low = low, --最低high = high, --最高amount = amount, --成交额volume = volume, --成交量turnoverRate = turnoverRate, --换手率currrent = currrent, --当前价lastClose = lastClose, --昨收change = tonumber(currrent) - tonumber(lastClose), --涨/跌percentage = percentage, --涨/跌幅date = updatedate, --行情更新时间name = name, --股票名称,不同交易所间可能重复exchange = exchange, --交易所大写缩写 沪: SH, 深: SZ, 港: HK, 纽交所: NYSE, 纳斯达克: NASDAQcode = symbolcode, --股票代码peLYR = '', --静态市盈率peTTM = peTTM, --动态市盈率open = open, --今开chart = chart,tradeTime = trade_times[exchange] or {"09:30-16:00"},state = ''}print(cjson.encode({result = result}))return true, result
process_tonghuashun_query('QIHU', 'US')
result 格式:
{"result": {"chart": {"list": [{"date": "2016-02-15T15:14:54+08:00","price": 26.06,"volume": 798848},//....{"date": "2016-02-15T15:14:54+08:00","price": 28.41,"volume": 509583}],"period": "1minute"},"symbol": "SZ002230", // 证券唯一标识, 全球唯一"low": "26.0", // 最低"currrent": "29.46", // 当前价,"peLYR": "99.8359", // 静态市盈率"peTTM": "93.534", // 动态市盈率"turnoverRate": "4.93", //换手率"high": "29.46", // 最高"lastClose": "26.78", // 昨收"percentage": "10.01", // 涨/跌幅"change": "2.68", // 涨/跌"code": "002230", //股票代码"amount": "1.39852102033E9", // 成交额"open": "26.0", // 今开"date": "2016-02-15T15:14:54+08:00", // 行情更新时间"volume": "4.9228172E7", // 成交量"name": "科大讯飞", //股票名称,不同交易所间可能重复, 比如阿里巴巴在港交所和纽交所都有"exchange": "SZ" // 交易所大写缩写 沪: SH, 深: SZ, 港: HK, 纽交所: NYSE, 纳斯达克: NASDAQ}
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